Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Many Squares Can Be in a chess board.?

  1. How many squares are there on a chessboard or checkerboard?? (the answer is not 64)
    Can you extend your technique to calculate the number of rectangles on a chessboard.
This another puzzle that was also e-mailed to me through this website. My instinct was that the answer was just a lot, but i thought about it and the solution is actually fairly simple...
The first thing is why the answer is not just 64.<All the red squares in the above picture would count as valid squares, so we are asking how many squares of any dimension from 1x1 to 8x8 there are on a chess board. 

The key is to think how many positions there are that each size of square can be located... 

A 2x2 square, for example, can be located in 7 loactions horizontally and 7 locations vertically. ie in 49 different positions. Consider the table below... 
sizehorizontal positionsvertical positionspositons

In total there are 204 positions. this is the sum of the number of possible positions for all the
 different sized squares.


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